Personal Wind Turbines - An Alternative To Wind Farms?

It is becoming generally accepted that in the short term, the development of alternative energy sources by governments will only be able to cover so many of our needs. Although developing green energy is a vote-winning measure it cannot happen independently of other factors, which results in a need for governments to think about how green energy is developed. To create enough energy to power an entire country through wind power or solar energy would require a great deal of developments – and by their nature these will compromise other things. 

The pace of development, therefore, is reliant on being able to compensate anyone whose business or life is infringed upon by new developments. This results in a stage-by-stage development in which one part is completed, then another needs to be arranged before it can be built. Once this is done, the process is repeated until such time as the development is complete. Few things happen quickly in this day and age, and “time is money” – and what we are seeing is that people, particularly those who are skeptical about the effect of global warming, are not happy to see their money spent in this way. 

One solution that is being looked at is that people can erect their own, smaller wind turbines which provide enough energy to at least power their energy supply. Some governments will give grants to fund this development, or will give people breaks in their tax or energy bills. This may allow the pressure on developments to lift somewhat, and bring about a situation where energy sources are developed to everyone’s satisfaction.